AAL with EVA (Enhanced Vision Affect technology)
To enjoy TV as a source of information and entertainment, e.g. for older adults. For people with age related eye conditions (presbyopia and other refractive errors, corneal disease, cataract, etc.) watching video content for prolonged periods or time causes physical stress and headaches caused by eye straining and fatigue, which could be “cured” by the defocused TV images from microscopic aberrations that are polluting your field of vision.
Defocused images on TV present a problem for our sight, evolutionary trained to put everything we observe in focus. The secondary value proposition for EVA is ability to enhance detail resolution, sensitivity to gradations of contrast and colours in our visual system.
The primary value proposition for Enhanced Vision Affect technology (EVA) can “cure” the defocused TV images from microscopic aberrations that are polluting your field of vision. Defocused images on TV present a problem for our sight, evolutionary trained to put everything we observe in focus.
The secondary value proposition for EVA is ability to enhance detail resolution, sensitivity to gradations of contrast and colours in our visual system. Nature-inspired selective image resolution enhancement can dramatically improve the retinal image quality, restore the acutance of the image to its natural self and improve our ability to see. The technology will be able to adapt images according to each person’s needs.