Market Access & Strategy Consulting Reaching Customers, and Markets for Corporates, Startups, and Brands
B’IMPRESS strengthens and advises entrepreneurs, CEO/CXOs, executives, managers, and their companies on the implementation of their corporate strategy, succession planning with consulting in corporate strategy, marketing, internal and external communication to enable companies their market
objectives through effective communication.
This is a selection of our consulting services, B’IMPRESS is active in:
Strategic MarCom Consulting Services To Brands And Organizations
Our Marketing Competences:
- International Marketing & PR (e.g., guidance of CI/CD, and global lead agency account & network
management) with w/w PR strategies & market insights. See PR for more.>>>PR - Market & Customer Insight: market research and strategy development, incl. “Social Research” w/
guidelines and Personnel Marketing (& Employer Branding) - MarCom Strategy Consulting, incl. research, concept, strategy and project management, as well as
CSR, sustainability, crisis & change communication - Social Media Publishing for reputation management, and “Social Sales Strategies” on, e.g., Facebook,
Xing, LinkedIN). See here for more.>>>>Social Media Marketing, Content & Monitoring - MarCom Publishing Consulting w/ corporate communication and online-publishing (incl. SEM/SEO,
IPTV, and Social Networks) - Brand marketing (w/ roll-out in CI/CD, channel collaterals, promo events or trade fairs, and industrial
image films) - Key Account Management of corporate and account budgets in MarCom
- In Public Affairs (campaigning, stakeholder communication), e.g. in Healthcare
Market Exploration / Market access & Business Development (BuzzDev)
Events and business development tasks as press releases are creating the attention of companies and service providers in a certain country as well as in the field of health care, medical & laboratory technology. A corporate participation is possible both „remotely“ as well as the representation of your company. Through our accompaniment or mentoring you’ll get the right contact or leads.
You will receive:
- market and development consultation (workshop and consultation meeting)
- free information via our webinars (with the support of the BMWK)
- participation or representation at trade fairs or a business and delegation trip or event participation
Your direct contact: Robert Brunner
Market Exploration / Market access & Business Development (BuzzDev):
Events and business development tasks as press releases are creating the attention of companies and service providers in a certain country as well as in the field of health care, medical & laboratory technology. A corporate participation is possible both „remotely“ as well as the representation of your company. Through our accompaniment or mentoring you’ll get the right contact or leads.
You will receive:
- market and development consultation (workshop and consultation meeting)
- free information via our webinars (with the support of the BMWK)
- participation or representation at trade fairs or a business and delegation trip or event participation
Your direct contact: Robert Brunner

2C4B – Customer Media & Coaching