KI4KMUs – K.I. für den Mittelstand

Big Data

KI4SMB – wie „K.I. für KMUs“ im Mittelstand

KI4KMUB, auch AI4SM genannt, wie „#AI for Small & Medium-sized Businesses“, ist ein kleines Konsortium in der EU ansässiger IT-KMUs, die sich vor allem auf die Bereiche angewandte (industrielle) KI für Produktions-nahe Unternehmen (Manufacturers, Logistics) und eHealth spezialisiert hat.

KI4KMU / AI4SMB ist eine KI-Softwareentwicklungswerkstatt mit exzellenter Expertise in der Entwicklung von Unternehmenssoftware und einem soliden Hintergrund in der KI-Forschung, wie predictive maintenance. Wir sind langjähriger Technologiepartner für Startups und innovative Unternehmen in den USA und in der EU.
Manchmal verwenden wir den Begriff „SW-Boutique“, um den Unterschied zu den „Standard-Massenproduktion“ Off-Shore-Software-Häuser in Indien, Russland, Polen usw. zu betonen, dieser Unterschied bedeutet, dass wir als „Haute-Couture-Salon“, die maßgeschneiderte hochwertige, leistungsstarke und innovative Smart-SW-Lösungen bieten, anstatt nur über den Preis zu konkurrieren…

AI4SMB delivers success to companies in healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, retail and research for more than 15 years. Our customers value us for our deep expertise, our innovative yet pragmatic approach, and our reliability.

Sometimes, we use the term „sw boutique“, to emphasize the difference against the „standard mass-production“ off-shore software houses in India, Russia, Poland etc, this difference means that as an “haute couture salon”, we offer the tailored high-quality, high-performance and innovative smart sw solutions instead of just competing on price… This difference results from the following main areas of expertise:

The main areas of AI4SMB’s expertise are:

  • Digital healthcare + pharma, esp. interoperability standards (IHE), clinical data formats (CDA, HL7, FHIR, DICOM, Snomed CT), MDR regulations, telemedicine, precise medicine, patient empowerment, …
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence (AR/VR, avatars and new interactive media, NLP, machine, and deep learning, …)
  • Applied Computer Science (hi-availability, hi-performance distributed systems, sw architecture and engineering, scalability, refactoring, mobile apps, …)
  • Start-up expertise (from technical feasibility and advisory, through sw development, delivery, and operation, up to equity partnerships)

We don´t have our own sw product – it´s just our following services:

  • on demand sw development itself,
  • sw development advisory and consulting,
  • up to the interim management roles
  • start-up partnering

We are (said by words of one of our long-term American customer) rather „problem solvers“ than just programmers. This algorithmic skill is because many of our team members have the scientific background (including several PhD degrees) in the areas of computer science and AI .

Our native and preferred way of working is an agile, innovative yet pragmatic development – i.e., based on getting the regular feedback and planning further development goals with the customer iteratively.

AI4SMB is a BU of B’IMPRESS – Balance Consulting UG of around 20-25 people and have been already 15+ years on the market. We focus mainly on the market in the USA, the UK, Germany, and Switzerland – where we have also most of our references from. You can find more details on our web pages

AI4SMB is also engaged in the community of GAIA-X, the next generation of data infrastructure as an open, transparent and secure digital ecosystem.


EU consortium on pandemic early detection:

An early warning system for pandemics is lacking in the EU. That is why we have co-founded a consortium dedicated to this. What we do: Researchers develop biomarkers as laboratory tests for early detection, Data Scientists find relevant data from pre-hospital and hospital settings to identify prognosis and early warning factors with A.I./AI. What we can do: Biomarkers: identification/development and analysis Regulation (MDR, MPDG) also in healthcare eHealth: telemedicine, DIGAs, CIM & CISystems eLearning: content, blended courses, esp. for clinicians.
See more this EU-wide project and Our consortium includes partners from clinics to research from Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain. AI4SMB offers a proprietary advanced analytics technology, designed to boost any Advanced Analytics endeavour, enabling the transition to a data driven healthcare model. It provides AI for data and the best practices in Data Science, incl. Healthcare & Pharma applications.

See also

Further ongoing projects:
Current press release in Biotech:
Are you looking for funding via EU-Horizon2020-successors or VC? Or should we meet next week via zoom maybe next week? Appointment? Please, book here: TKS.

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KI4KMU – wie „K.I. für KMUs“

KI4KMU, auch AI4SMB genannt, wie „#AI for Small & Medium-sized Businesses“, ist ein in der EU ansässiges Konsortium von Hightech-Softwareentwicklungsfirmen, die sich vor allem im Bereich eHealth und angewandte (produktionsnahe) KI fokussiert hat.

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Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner: Robert Brunner